Not many shares last weeks.
The work it takes is not in balance with the fun it gives anymore. So don't expect a lot of new stuff the coming months.
This post consists of audio rips from the electronic parts of the movie Logan's Run. A lot of the score contains synthesizer sounds. I converted the ac3 to mp3 and made up the titles at my own discretion.
According to the Internet Movie Database, Jerry Goldsmith is the composer. He used the ARP 2500 and did also the music for The Twilight Zone, Planet of the Apes, Star Trek, Chinatown and The Boys from Brazil.

1 Opening Titels [2:26]
2 Ride to Arcade [0:19]
3 Carrousel / Runner [5:29]
4 Circuit [0:31]
5 Cubs [0:29]
6 Debriefing [7:08]
7 Ride to Cathedral Plaza [1:22]
8 Love Shop [1:58]
9 Surrogation [6:36]
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The work it takes is not in balance with the fun it gives anymore. So don't expect a lot of new stuff the coming months.
This post consists of audio rips from the electronic parts of the movie Logan's Run. A lot of the score contains synthesizer sounds. I converted the ac3 to mp3 and made up the titles at my own discretion.
According to the Internet Movie Database, Jerry Goldsmith is the composer. He used the ARP 2500 and did also the music for The Twilight Zone, Planet of the Apes, Star Trek, Chinatown and The Boys from Brazil.

1 Opening Titels [2:26]
2 Ride to Arcade [0:19]
3 Carrousel / Runner [5:29]
4 Circuit [0:31]
5 Cubs [0:29]
6 Debriefing [7:08]
7 Ride to Cathedral Plaza [1:22]
8 Love Shop [1:58]
9 Surrogation [6:36]
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This was the first Hip-Hop song released on a major label. Kurtis recorded this with the help of producers Robert Ford and J.B. Moore. They took it to Mercury Records, who signed Kurtis to a 2-single deal, under the condition that If both singles were successful, he would get an album deal. This was the first single, and it did very well. The second single was "The Breaks," and it became the first rap song to be certified as a gold record, selling over 500,000 copies. Kurtis got the album deal and became the first rapper signed to a major label. (

Side one:
1 Christmas Rappin' [8:12]
2 Do It Yourself Rappin' (instrumental) [7:37]
Side two:
1 Nervous (vocal) [5:23]
2 Nervous (instrumental) [5:28]
Not shared anymore.

Side one:
1 Christmas Rappin' [8:12]
2 Do It Yourself Rappin' (instrumental) [7:37]
Side two:
1 Nervous (vocal) [5:23]
2 Nervous (instrumental) [5:28]
Not shared anymore.
Een heel oude lp van André van Duin met Dik Voormekaar trekjes. Waarschijnlijk uit de tijd dat hij nog de Abominabele Top 2000 bij Radio Noordzee Internationaal presenteerde.
Debiele liedjes afgewisseld met reclamepersiflages en sketches.
Een lp van de rommelzolder van Ate M Hes, dus de krasfilter heeft heel hard moeten werken om het knappend haardvuurtje, dat zich naar voren had weten te werken, naar de achtergrond te dringen.

Kant 1:
01 De Tiroler
02 Kwastenkwis
03 Woei, woei
04 reclame: snertsoep, de verborgen microfoon, vloerbedekking
05 De Eskimo
06 Pech onderweg
07 Oh tante, tante
08 reclame: onverklaarbaar wonen, bionlogisch ans, de doorspoelunie
09 Family story
Kant 2:
01 Samen in bad
02 Geluk bij een ongeluk
03 Oh domme Clara
04 reclame: graven, fricades, bambam pap
05 De gooi en smijtmeid
06 reclame: kalenders, interview, reisburo de wolkbreuk
07 Het hek van de buurvrouw
08 Kokkerellen
09 De Hawaiiaanse VVV song
10 reclame: moneymaker, sport in het kort, schriftelijke cursus
11 La lala la lala la
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Debiele liedjes afgewisseld met reclamepersiflages en sketches.
Een lp van de rommelzolder van Ate M Hes, dus de krasfilter heeft heel hard moeten werken om het knappend haardvuurtje, dat zich naar voren had weten te werken, naar de achtergrond te dringen.

Kant 1:
01 De Tiroler
02 Kwastenkwis
03 Woei, woei
04 reclame: snertsoep, de verborgen microfoon, vloerbedekking
05 De Eskimo
06 Pech onderweg
07 Oh tante, tante
08 reclame: onverklaarbaar wonen, bionlogisch ans, de doorspoelunie
09 Family story
Kant 2:
01 Samen in bad
02 Geluk bij een ongeluk
03 Oh domme Clara
04 reclame: graven, fricades, bambam pap
05 De gooi en smijtmeid
06 reclame: kalenders, interview, reisburo de wolkbreuk
07 Het hek van de buurvrouw
08 Kokkerellen
09 De Hawaiiaanse VVV song
10 reclame: moneymaker, sport in het kort, schriftelijke cursus
11 La lala la lala la
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Around 1983 scratching was a hype. Every artist who was old fashioned had now the chance to become modern again by making a scratch hit. You could expect a record to make this movement a bit ridiculous and at the same time making some money. Kris Kastaar did this, using samples of the popular Belgian comedian Urbanus, who also made the cover.

1 The Scratchin' Zwaantjes [8:06]
2 Le Massacre [6:11]
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1 The Scratchin' Zwaantjes [8:06]
2 Le Massacre [6:11]
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Saturday, November 17, 2007, 05:54 PM - Music
Again powerful synthpop on side one and a dub mix and experimental piece on side two.
Side one:
1 On Your Own (New York mix) [5:24]
Side two:
1 On Your Own (New York dub mix) [5:33]
2 Please Forgive Me . . . But I Cannot Endure It Any Longer [7:43]
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A terrible quality video of 'On your own' has been placed on YouTube:
Het gaat weer op kerst aan, merk ik aan de clicks op kerstposts van vorig jaar. Maar het moet nog Sinterklaas worden!
Heeft u kinderen? Eigen schuld. Maar om het nog enigszins draaglijk te houden: pak ze de cd-tjes van de diverse kinderkoren af, en geef hen de zelfgebrand exemplaar van The Chinatown Philharmonic, ook wel genaamd Korzorkest, ervoor in de plaats.
Met Marcel Cuypers (Snake Charming, City & Eastern, De Dopegezinde Gemeente) op klarinet en reeds ingekleurde tekeningen van Meinsje de Paauw.

Veel meer kun je er niet van maken.
Hier te downloaden
Heeft u kinderen? Eigen schuld. Maar om het nog enigszins draaglijk te houden: pak ze de cd-tjes van de diverse kinderkoren af, en geef hen de zelfgebrand exemplaar van The Chinatown Philharmonic, ook wel genaamd Korzorkest, ervoor in de plaats.
Met Marcel Cuypers (Snake Charming, City & Eastern, De Dopegezinde Gemeente) op klarinet en reeds ingekleurde tekeningen van Meinsje de Paauw.

Veel meer kun je er niet van maken.
Hier te downloaden
Three sides of Pete Shelley on this 12".
Powerful synthpop on side one, dub mix and experimental drums/noises on side two.
Pete Shelley (ex Buzzcocks): guitar, voice
Barry Adamson (ex Magazine, ex Visage): bass
Gerard Cookson: guitar
Derek Thompson: bass
Dexter (Francis Cookson): drums
Steve Turley: keyboards

Side one:
1 Never Again (extended version) [6:12]
Side two:
1 Give It To Me [5:37]
2 111 (extended version) [8:27]
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Powerful synthpop on side one, dub mix and experimental drums/noises on side two.
Pete Shelley (ex Buzzcocks): guitar, voice
Barry Adamson (ex Magazine, ex Visage): bass
Gerard Cookson: guitar
Derek Thompson: bass
Dexter (Francis Cookson): drums
Steve Turley: keyboards

Side one:
1 Never Again (extended version) [6:12]
Side two:
1 Give It To Me [5:37]
2 111 (extended version) [8:27]
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